Certainly! It's exciting to delve into the world of TekScientists commitment to supporting schools and microschools. Take a moment to reflect for just five minutes can reveal the profound reasons behind dedication to fostering student well-being and growth within the community.
We provide End to End Teaching and Learning for K8 Students
Academic Solutions in India, Our team of experienced educators expertise in both international and Indian standards of education and offer the best academic classes for Cambridge, IB and CBSE students.
Mind Sharp is a computer-based, online self-learning that helps children improve their Mathematical skills. It enables each child to follow a learning path that is based on his or her needs.
English Club brings onto the table a strong set of LSRW activities that enables a child to communicate his mind with brevity, clarity and cohesion.
A Child is sum of thousand talents. All we need to do is to find that specific talent and nurture it to make him an achiever. We continually work with child to find their hidden talents and encourage them demonstrate their innate abilities in various competitions, events and shows.
"Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else." - Sydney Gurewitz Clemens, Arts club provides a step-by-step guidance to draw from stick figures to colourful pictures. . It’s only the first step that requires an approved education with a teacher preparation program.
“Creativity is the secrete sauce to science, technology, engineering and math.” Ainissa Ramirez, Science Evangelist. We aim at making STEM learning easy with the help of Tek-Scientists Learning, Innovative STEM Kits and Creative Projects.
Social Responsibility is key to be a complete human being. After all, Human being is social animal. Inquiry Based Learning Projects to explore a variety of cultures, customs, countries, communities, cuisine ecologies, and many more.
“THE BEST EDUCATION DOES NOT HAPPEN AT A DESK, BUT RATHER ENGAGED IN EVERYDAY LIVING – HANDS ON, EXPLORING, IN ACTIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH LIFE.” – VINCE GOWMON.. Hands-on learning also provides a student with the opportunity to safely make mistakes and learn organically through trial and error.
• Students explore academics through real time interactive classes. • Students question not only the teacher but also themselves to reflect and learn better • Students enjoy learning plus inquiry based learning projects, hands-on activities and research demonstrations. • Parent can track everyday student learning hours, subject, activity, explore connect with other students to farm for a group projects. • We will guide you at every step on your way to subject mastery. • Personalized learning path to master concepts in the shortest time and in a fun way!.
Your class, Your Subject, Your Growth. Know us better and connect to prove you skills to get benefits. Our curriculum sets a global standard for education, with programmes that stretch, challenge and inspire our students.
At Tek-Scientists, we work closely with service partners (For ex. STEM, Art, Life Skills) to collaborate for support and access to Tek-Scientists students across the Nation and beyond.
The majority of our future collaboration will be digital. Indeed, many of our team will work from all over world. We are more happy to collaborate to give best quality education to every child.